Kadara is a drama series that follows the journey of Sae-sang, a smart young man obsessed with getting rich. His quest for quick riches leads
Long Time No Sex: As the days of passionate love passed, Woojin and Samuel became a somewhat stunted couple, both mentally and physically, lovely movie
Lady Scorpions 2024: A narcotics investigator teams up with his daughter to rescue his kidnapped granddaughter from a powerful crime boss, lovely movie to watch.
Italo: Esosa returns from Italy to marry the love of her life, but battles forces intent on destroying their relationship and uncovering her dark past,
Love At A Cost: Uzo is devastated to find out that his opportunistic girlfriend has no intention other than to take advantage of him. He
Lavender Fields: A simple girl working in a flower field has her life shattered when she falls in love with a charming accountant who turns
Scandal: Moon Jeong-in is a very ambitious woman. She married a doctor. Baek Dong-ho is for money. He had a daughter named Baek Seol-ah from
A joint venture is a business arrangement between two tycoons with a specific mission to expand their empire, but betrayal causes this promising venture to
Analog Squad: At the turn of the millennium, a group of outsiders are hired to play the roles of estranged family members in an effort
Sister Wife Murder: Chloe goes to church and is instantly attracted to Pastor Caleb. She falls in love with him, but then finds out he